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A Healthy Lifestyle and the NHS

benefits of a healthy lifestyle nhs

A new survey from patient claim line has revealed that the British public recognises the direct health benefits associated with exercise such as its effects on health and longevity. However, less that seven percent of respondents realize that exercising could reduce costs for the NHS and help create a healthier society. This is because leading an active and healthy lifestyle is known to reduce the strain on the NHS and reduce the chances of medical mistakes. This study aims at raising awareness about the benefits of a healthy life style to the NHS.

Moderate intensity

Getting moderate intensity physical activity is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, and a regular dose of exercise is a great way to improve your health. This will benefit you and the NHS in the long term. The NHS recommends that adults do at least an hour of moderate intensity exercise per day. For advice, ask an adult for help. If you're a little one, find at minimum five reasons that the recommendation is made. Next, devise a quick, easy exercise that will prove beneficial to you.

Healthy eating

The NHS offers many resources that can help you to live a healthier and happier life. They can help organize meals, teach you about cooking, and offer tips on how to cook healthy food. You can also get your kids involved by shopping with you. By including fruits and vegetables on the family's weekly menu, they will also learn about healthy eating and the importance of eating right. Parents can also create a challenge for their kids, such as only eating vegetables and fruits, and rewarding them for following a healthy diet plan.


Exercising has many benefits. Research has shown that exercise can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Exercise can also help to reduce excessive weight gain. Exercise has also been shown increase immunity. Exercise can increase blood flow which in turn mobilizes white cells. White blood cells are one of our bodies' primary defenses against harmful microbes. Exercise can also have other benefits. Even 30 minutes of walking can increase the immune system's effectiveness.

Preventing chronic disease

The high cost of diseases caused due to poor diet, inactivity, and excess weight is staggering. In 2007, the NHS spent PS5.7 Billion on this problem alone. Recent financial data shows that this number is even higher. The NHS estimates that it will spend as much as PS5.8 billion on health problems caused by behavioural risks factors. Comparatively, the economic impact of diseases caused by inactivity, smoking, overweight, or obesity is approximately PS5.8 trillion.

A holistic approach to your health

A holistic approach to your health involves taking care all aspects. It is not about focusing on one condition. Opt Health is concerned about your well-being, which includes your spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing as well as your physical wellbeing. We offer 24/7 access and insight to top doctors, as well as support from other Opt Health members.

Reducing strain on NHS

Queen's University Belfast has recently concluded that sitting for too much time could result in over 70,000 deaths annually in the UK. It also costs the NHS PS700 millions a year. These numbers are alarming. But, we can improve our mortality rates by making small lifestyle adjustments. It's possible to start by being more active. It is not common for people to realize that a healthier lifestyle can decrease the amount we spend on our health care.

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Would cardio exercises make me lose weight fast?

Cardio exercises are great to burn calories but they won't necessarily help with weight loss. It depends on how fat you have and what exercise you do.

If you're overweight, then cardio exercises may not be enough to burn off all those extra pounds.

It is important to combine them with exercise and diet.

For instance, if you want to lose weight fast, you should perform cardio exercises like jogging or running. These types of exercises burn more calories per hour than any other exercise.

You must train resistance if your goal is to gain muscle instead of losing weight. Resistance training uses no weights or machines. It also includes elastic bands and free weights.

Combine cardio exercises and resistance training to quickly lose weight.

You need to combine cardio and resistance training in order to lose weight quickly.

Are there any side effects to intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is safe and has no side effects. You might have minor problems if your plan is not well thought out.

If you skip breakfast, your day might be interrupted by irritability. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue and muscle cramps are all possible.

These symptoms often disappear within a few hours.

What foods help me lose more weight?

Eating fewer calories can help you lose weight faster. Two ways to achieve this are:

  1. Reduce the number of calories you take in daily.
  2. You can burn more calories through exercise.

It is easy to reduce calories. It's no surprise that we are constantly bombarded with high-calorie fast food options. Here's a list that will help you lose weight.

  1. Beans are high on fiber and protein. They have almost no fat making them an excellent choice for dieters looking to reduce their caloric intake.
  2. Oatmeal has low calories, but high levels of nutrients such as magnesium and potassium. Oatmeal is lower in sugar than other cereals.
  3. Eggs are high in cholesterol and protein. Consuming eggs at least once a week can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories.
  4. Whole grain bread reduces hunger pangs. This can help you feel fuller and longer.
  5. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and flavonoids that have been linked both to better cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure.
  6. Cottage cheese is rich with calcium, which helps build strong bones. It also provides a good source of vitamin D, which boosts immunity.
  7. Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which promote brain development and improve cardiovascular function.
  8. Green tea contains a lot of catechins. These are compounds that can fight cancer and improve metabolism.
  9. Broccoli has a lot of folic, which can lower homocysteine in the blood. A higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke is associated with high homocysteine levels.
  10. Yogurt, which is low in sugar, is a great option to add probiotics to your diet. Probiotics play an important role in digestive health.
  11. Berries are delicious and nutritious snacks. All of these are excellent sources for vitamins and minerals, including blueberries, strawberries and blackberries as well as raspberries and cranberries.
  12. Avocados are high in healthy fats. A half avocado provides 80 calories with plenty of fiber, potassium, and filling fiber.
  13. Nuts are a tasty snack option that also happens to be a great source of protein. Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, and pistachios are all great choices.
  14. Sweet potatoes, another starchy vegetable, are rich in beta-carotene which gives your skin a glow. Because they have higher levels of beta carotene, the orange sweet potatoes are more beneficial than regular sweet potatoes.


  • Another study found that 24 weeks of weight training led to a 9% increase in metabolic rate among men, which equated to burning approximately 140 more calories per day. (healthline.com)
  • One study in 9 active men found that HIIT burned 25–30% more calories per minute than other types of exercises, including weight training, cycling, and running on a treadmill (18Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • According to a study sponsored by the American Council on Exercise, a person weighing around 140 pounds (64 kg) would burn 108 calories at a 30-minute beginner's Pilates class or 168 calories at an advanced class of the same duration (26). (healthline.com)
  • According to Harvard Health, it's estimated that a 155-pound (70-kg) person burns around 167 calories per 30 minutes of walking at a moderate pace of 4 mph (6.4 km/h) (5). (healthline.com)

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How To

How to exercise for weight loss

The best way to lose weight is through exercise. Many people don't know how to exercise properly. Cardio exercises should include running, biking, swimming, walking, etc. and strength training exercises like lifting weights, pulling-ups or pushing ups, squats and lunges. Combining these types of exercises is the best way to lose weight. If you want to start exercising, then try to find some friends who are willing to join you in your journey. You have two options: you can join a gym or just walk around your neighborhood. No matter what type of exercise you choose, it is important to stick with it. It's easy to get off-track when you first begin working out. If things don't go your way, don't lose heart. Keep going!


A Healthy Lifestyle and the NHS